

Richard – Finding Connection with Life

Amanda has been incredible in making sure that I feel safe and relaxed every time we meet. I am always busy and find it hard to find time, so the fact that she will always try and work around the work that I have booked in is perfect along with the fact that we are able to do everything on a videocall just makes this possible for me. She has helped me so much in such a short amount of time. She is always happy to work on anything that I am dealing with and one of the best things is that she has shown me how to help myself when things start to get bad. If you are looking for someone that will really take the time to look after you and check in on you to ensure you are ok, She is the one. I already have such a better outlook on life and just day to day things are so much better. She has allowed me to start living my life again and I could not wish for any more. I wish you all the success in the world and thank you for everything.

Jo – Life Purpose Session

I recently experienced a life purpose session with Amanda. Oh my goodness! It was so powerful!
Amanda gently guided me through a structured process, which eventually led me to create my own life purpose affirmation based on my reflections that truly resonated with me deeply.
I particularly valued Amanda’s ability to listen and question, which helped me to clarify more specifically what was important to me and why.
I felt safe sharing what came up for me as a result of certain questions, and have been uplifted by the whole experience.
I would highly recommend a life purpose session with Amanda if you know clarifying your purpose specifically will be of benefit to you.

Edina – Life Purpose Session

I have done a Life Purpose session with Amanda and it was spot on! I really enjoyed the whole process to get to the purpose! It was fun and it highlighted some strengths of mine, which I haven’t even realised I had. Thank you Amanda it was a great experience!

Katie – Life Purpose Session

Going into my Life Purpose session with Amanda I had no idea what was going to come out from it. Amanda was really patient with me and made me feel comfortable exploring past moments and feelings. There was a clear moment in the session where it all started to make sense and I was able to see how throughout my life I have already been working towards this purpose. It was great to see how aspects of my career and personal life were reflected in my purpose.
I’m really grateful to Amanda for helping me to gain some well-needed clarity and I’m now feeling excited and motivated about the future.

Sandy – Changing Beliefs

I’ve worked one to one and in a group with Amanda, always having a beneficial experience. She is increadably insightful, as well as warm, genuine and caring. I was able to have total confidence in Amanda’s skills and to feel completly safe.

Lisa – Body Image

I wanted to feel a bit more confident about my body, I eat well, exercise, and generally look after myself but I sometimes felt unhappy about how I looked and felt. I worked with Amanda on her Freedom to Be Programme and not only got some great results, I also had some interesting lightbulb moments. Over the 6 sessions we used some great techniques to get underneath my feelings about my myself and my body. I realised that some of my thinking was based on how I was many years ago, when things in my life were different. I also discovered that the main issue I thought I had was not actually the thing that I needed to work on to give me results I wanted. We used Matrix Re -Imprinting to acknowledge some of my past that I had never before related to my body issues. This was so interesting. With this acknowledgment I was able to understand links to my negative emotions. Since completing the Programme I am feeling much more confident, have a greater understanding of myself and my behaviours and I have some really useful strategies to keep me on track. Thanks you so much Amanda for your help and support. I would highly recommend Amanda and her Freedom Programme. Thank you so much.

Hazel – Group Course

Freedom to heal course was such a great experience, amanda lead the course so well and I felt so cared for and supported! She went above and beyond for us with little reminders and ways we could connect during the week to keep us on track which was different from other courses so I loved that!
Amanda is such a loving supporting person so i can tell her anything which is also super important to feel so comfortable that you can if you want too. Had a lot to take away but main thing was a belief that I had created about not being able to be happy after loosing my dear dad and it was a realisation while others were sharing so Group work can be really special and helpful! Also a great past life which was very surprising whilst delving into that week!
Thankyou so much amanda I really appreciate you, your wisdom and kindness, A great course I benefited from immensely ❤️❤️❤️

Rach – Confidence

I have had 3 sessions with Amanda, so far, and I will be booking more. She has been so calm, kind and nonjudgmental. She didn’t push or pressure me to do anything I couldn’t or didn’t want to. I have a lot of work to do to heal from the traumas of my life but I am getting there and Amanda always makes me feel like I have done well, even if I don’t feel I hav Amanda’s voice is so soothing and gentle. She has kindly helped me to try and identify why I feel a certain why, where the feeling is coming from and then to tap through it to release the feeling. On my last session there was a definite shift in energy and since then a few good things have started to happen. I know if I keep up with the healing then my life will change for the better. Thank you xx

Bev – Relationships and Intimacy

Deeply healing therapy. Amanda is very intuitive and empathic, which creates a super safe space to address difficult feelings and issues. This is the deepest work I’ve done and after just a few sessions I’ve released a lot and can already feel changes taking place. The energy based tools Amanda offers provide a very gentle yet laser sharp effective way to get to the heart of what has held me back all this time. Amanda is an INCREDIBLE guide on this journey. I am really touched by Amanda’s warmth and care… offering support between sessions, sending audio recordings to support healing between sessions. I feel that I am in very safe and nurturing hands. I feel so grateful to have found Amanda to guide me as I heal some stuff I’ve long-avoided. I highly recommend Amanda for anyone who struggles with emotions, painful memories, limiting beliefs – or feels stuck in anyway! Thank you so much.

Lisa – Past Life Session

I had a past life session with Amanda and it was fantastic! I was struggling to move past a difficult belief in my life that was holding me back. I had tried other techniques and I was really interested in what the past life session could bring. Amanda was kind, caring, calm and made me feel at ease with the whole process. I was gently led through my thoughts and beliefs to find a time in my past where I could see where this negativity may have stemmed from It has absolutely helped me to Understand my thoughts and feelings but I have also found some deep healing which has really helped me move forward. I highly recommend Amanda x

Sofia – Healing

I have been lucky enough to have been connected to Amanda and this fabulous modality that she so beautifully facilitates. Following on from the session we had I feel a massive shift. Amanda was very patient, calming and understanding. There was no room for judgement just compassion and empathy. Such a big difference in a short space of time and yet I’ve spend £100s on therapy sessions! Thank you.

Lauren – Thoughts of Suicide

I recommend Amanda because I was struggling so bad that I didn’t want to be on this earth and this really helped and change my ways of thinking and helped me to heal my self and look at life a different way and I can’t thank her enough, how her techniques helps me through life and struggles and I only had one session with her and positive things have happened and if anyone is struggling, I would deffo give this girl a chance!! Thank you so much xx

Catherine – Overwhelm

Amanda is awesome. We worked together when I was experiencing considerable anxiety and overwhelm. She has helped me find understanding into what I was experiencing and gave me easy to use tools so I can support myself, so I can gain some peace to help me to face whatever comes my way. Tapping is now automatic for me, my go to tool to help me become centred and calm. Amanda and I worked through my unwanted patterns and beliefs that were holding me back. With an acceptance of what has gone before, she helped me gain a sense of freedom, to focus on the things that will bring me more joy and happiness, to help me focus on what I need to look at and do to live my best life. Amanda made me feel really comfortable and able to talk and expand on details that came up for me in our sessions. She held a safe space for me to let go of unwanted feelings. She is kind and honest and I love that she knows how to speak the truth with compassion. With beautiful intention, we got to the heart of the matter, to my old beliefs that no longer work for me. With ease, Amanda gave me insight into my stories and has helped me see how I can create better stories for the future, for myself and for others. If you are considering improving your life, get in touch with Amanda. She’ll help you learn more about living your best life. Her work is transformative and she has given me the impetus to move forward and heal, to live a happy and meaningful life. I am so grateful that I have been able to heal with Amanda.

Stacey – Repressed Emotions

I had an EFT and Matrix session today. I just want to say thank you so much Amanda for today’s session!

All I can say is WOW! I entered that session without much expectation having being introduced to EFT previously. I have left that session amazed and in awe. You took me through something extremely powerful by helping me to unblock 30 years of repressed emotion towards a situation. I felt totally safe with you and able to embrace my vulnerability. I feel so much lighter, less resentful and commited to learning to be more kind to myself. Today is the start of the healing journey I didn’t know I needed. I look forward to further sessions.

Thank you Amanda for the kind offer you gave to NHS100k which is where I came across you. Wishing you all the best for the future.

Rachel – Difficult Emotions

Today was my first experience with tapping, I didn’t know what to expect but having met Amanda I felt safe to experiment with her. I found the session quite emotional at times. Amanda guided me through, was very open to any adjustments I needed to make. Her approach was both calming and well informed. She allowed me to go at my own pace and gave me choices to explore the things that have been difficult to resolve with conventional treatments. I left the session with a sense of togetherness, wholeness and peace. She also taped my own tapping regime for me to continue using at home. Thanks for helping me explore my tricky bits, for your compassion and for keeping me safe in the session.

Kate – Letting go

My session with Amanda was very relaxing and gentle.
With her friendly & calm approach she guided me to the nub of my “stuckness”
and she helped me to work the magic!

I felt released, liberated.
I feel I can talk about the issue without feeling triggered anymore after many decades.
Thank you so much.

Stace – Exploration

This was my first experience of EFT and Matrix re-printing but Amanda explained things clearly and supported me through the process and I soon got the hang of things. I looked forward to our sessions and considered them an act of self-love, dedicating time just for me to explore my thoughts, feelings and past experiences and how they shape me today, getting to know myself on a deeper level. We tackled different things each session, completely defined by me and where I wanted to go, and Amanda created a safe, warm and non-judgemental space for me which made me feel secure and comfortable to take the journey required during the session so that we could achieve my desired goals. I felt heard and understood and really valued Amanda’s ability to take care of me during our sessions. Would definitely recommend Amanda’s expertise.

Andy – Processing the Past

I was nervous about the session, However, within a few minutes, Amanda made me feel relaxed and welcome. I was not expecting my mind to make the connections it did, so quickly. I was able to process historical information in a safe environment. Things my mind should have moved on from decades ago. If you’re reading this and can’t make your mind up? Just go for it, it might change your life.

Sharon – Anxiety

Amanda was kind, compassionate and intuitive. I noticed positive changes right away with my anxiety quickly reduced and a sense of wellbeing within the first session. I would highly recommend.

Hazel – Getting to the Root Cause

Have been having EFT and Matrix sessions with Amanda for a while now and wow we have had great sessions! 
Amanda has such a lovely, calming way to her that make you feel relaxed and able to open up, the way she guides me through is very comforting so thank you so much Amanda as this technique is truly amazing and really gets to the root cause. So if you’re thinking about it just give it a try for sure!

Rebecca – Changing Limiting Beliefs

I have really enjoyed having EFT and Matrix reimprinting sessions with Amanda. These sessions have taught me about the power of the mind and enabled me to identify deep rooted beliefs. I didn’t even realise these beliefs were holding me back on a day to day basis and limiting me in every aspect of my life. These sessions have helped me change my thoughts, ideas and create a whole new way of being. Amanda is kind, compassionate and caring while powerfully guiding you through the process. I felt safe and supported throughout and would highly recommend EFT and Matrix Reimprinting to create a new you, free from the past and living the life you’ve always dreamed of.

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Thank you

Amanda x