What is Matrix Reimprinting?

What is Matrix Reimprinting?

This was my first experience of EFT and Matrix re-printing but Amanda explained things clearly and supported me through the process and I soon got the hang of things. I looked forward to our sessions and considered them an act of self-love…

Matrix Reimprinting is an extension of EFT created by EFT Master, Karl Dawson who explained that while EFT is like watching a movie, MRA is like being in a play. This gives the opportunity for more in-depth healing. EFT understands that we have an energy system and that by tapping into this system we can remove the blockages caused by traumas. Matrix Reimprinting, grounded in quantum theory and the law of attraction recognises that there is a holographic field of energy (the matrix) connecting everything and everyone, containing and reflecting our beliefs.

Matrix reimprinting understands that when we experience trauma a part of our consciousness stays frozen in that moment within our energy field. Karl describes this part as an Energetic Consciousness Hologram (ECHO). Unfortunately, our subconscious is driven by these ECHO’s fears which is why when something happens in later life that has similarities to a traumatic event when we were younger we can be triggered and respond as if we were our younger self. With Matrix reimprinting we are able to safely meet with our ECHO’s in the matrix and address their fears and help them to feel safe so that we can move forward in the now.

To learn more about what happens in an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting session with Freedom 2 Heal click here