This Group has now ended but my next course ‘Body Freedom – The Mindset’ is starting in January 2023. Find out more here.
Feel amazing EXACTLY as you are right now!
Are you holding back from life, waiting until you are thin and deserving of the good stuff?
I see you, this used to be me!
Until I realised that my body wasn’t the issue, my beliefs about my body were!
And what’s more.. those beliefs were not only BS, they weren’t even mine in the first place!
So, I let them go, I gave them back, I unlearned the lies and I learned to accept and appreciate my body exactly as it is.
Then I got on with life!

Would you like to feel confident in your own skin without having to fit some BS ideal?
Are you ready to let go of all the crap that society, your family and even YOU have been feeding yourself.
Are you ready for the good stuff?
Then it’s time to step into your power and embrace your beautiful and sexy self exactly as you are!
Let’s do this gorgeous!
All you need to do is join my next group course ‘It’s NOT About the Weight’ starting on Tuesday 30th August at 7pm.
6 whole weeks where we will using EFT and other energy techniques to change the way you think about your body and learn to appreciate the amazing authentic goddess you already are!!
Here’s a taster of what’s in store…
Week 1 – Looking forward – Meet the future you who is happy in her body without changing a thing! Yup it’s possible! Plus, the low down on weight goals and why they are f***ing you up!
Week 2 – What’s stopping you? What’s getting in the way of that happy future you (clue – it’s not your weight).
Week 3 – Time to declutter! Creating a life free of all the BS!
Week 4 – Check in and fill up – what’s hiding under the negative self-talk? Then we’ll be bringing in the good stuff.. Yay!
Week 5 – This shit is deep! A look back through our timeline and into our past lives to uncover the stories that aren’t serving us!
Week 6 – Moving on – How to move forward and learn to speak to your body with compassion.
Each learning session will be recorded so you can watch back later.
There will be an additional LIVE QnA every week.
There will be activities or if you prefer ‘homework’ to do between sessions.
We’ll have a private Whatsapp/ Messenger chat to keep in touch and motivated between sessions.
And of course, you will be learning EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) – an amazingly powerful technique that clears negative feelings and limiting beliefs.
For the whole 6 weeks including the LIVE teaching sessions, the LIVE QnA’s and all the support inbetween the investment is just £333. Payment plans available.
There is a limited number of places on this course because I want you to get involved and feel supported.
This way you can get the most out of this amazing opportunity!
So, what are you waiting for? Click below to secure your place.
Can’t wait to share this with you lovelies.
Much love Amanda x