

Read more about some of the techniques that I use

What is EFT?

This is the deepest work I’ve done and after just a few sessions I’ve released a lot and can already feel changes taking place... Bev - Kent EFT, also commonly known as tapping is an alternative or complimentary therapy that combines traditional Chinese medicine with various cognitive or exposure therapies ...

What is Matrix Reimprinting?

This was my first experience of EFT and Matrix re-printing but Amanda explained things clearly and supported me through the process and I soon got the hang of things. I looked forward to our sessions and considered them an act of self-love… Stace - Woking Matrix Reimprinting is an extension ...

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

I believe that everyone has the power to become the person they want to be, and the potential to become incredible at what they do. David Shephard NLP is a psychological approach that was developed in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. NLP is founded on the idea ...