If you’d like to know how to use EFT as a self help tool you can download your quick guide to using EFT for self-healing below:
If you’d like to know how to use EFT as a self help tool you can download your quick guide to using EFT for self-healing below:
Side of Hand: Centre part of the fleshy area on the outside of the hand. Top of Head: Directly on the crown of your head. Eyebrow: Where the eyebrows begin, closest to the bridge of the nose. Side of Eye: On the bone directly along the outside of the eye …
Amanda Hipkiss – EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner (2023) Have you ever felt hurt, regret or shame about a past experience? Are these feelings holding you back in the now? Have you tried conventional therapy but still feel stuck? If you answer yes to any of these then Matrix Reimprinting …
Sorry lovelies, this class has ended but do add yourself to the mailing list to hear about my new course starting in 2023 Are you hearing voices? You know that niggling voice that pops up every now and again to tell you that you’re not good enough, that you’re too …
A free masterclass where you will get to know your desires, meet with your future self and take your next steps to a life you LOVE! ENDED A framework that takes you on a journey of self-discovery where you can realise your desires, learn what’s holding you back and how …